Agnieszka & Ruth work collaboratively as artists. Recent research around themes of affect, emotion & subjectivity in cultural and spatial contexts resulted in the exhibition 'spill'. Our research is drawn from historical studies of perception; contemporary fields of cultural geography & cultural studies; & individual expertise in painting, photography, textiles & sculpture.
Ahmed S (2004) The Cultural Politics of Emotion, Routledge, New York
Ahmed S (2004) 'Affective economies', Social Text 22(2): 117-139
Anderson K, & Smith S J (2001) ‘Emotional geographies’, Trans. Institute of British Geographers 26(1):7-10
Best S (2002) ‘What is Affect? Considering the affective dimension of contemporary installation’, Australian and New Zealand Journal of Art 3(1):207-225
Crary J (2000) Suspensions of Perception: attention, spectacle and modern culture, MIT Press
Davidson J & Milligan C (2004) ‘Embodying emotion sensing space: introducing emotional geographies’, Social & Cultural Geography 5(4):523-532
Lutz T (1999) Crying: the natural and cultural history of tears, Norton, New York
Massumi B (2002) Parables for the Virtual: movement, affect, sensation, Duke UP, Durham NC
Papastergiadis N (2006) Spatial Aesthetics: art, place and the everyday, Rivers Oram Press
Thrift N (2005) ‘But malice aforethought: cities and the natural history of hatred', Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 30 (2):133-150
Thrift N (2004) ‘Intensities of feeling: towards a spatial politics of affect’, Geografiska Annaler 86 B (1):57-78
Tolia-Kelly, Divya P (2006) ‘Affect – an ethnocentric encounter? Exploring the 'universalist' imperative of emotional/affectual geographies’, Area 38(2):213-217
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