I feel compelled…..I’m interested in….how to…..ways to tackle emotional and psychological states connected to loss, pain and death. Yet, most of all these images are metaphors for death that is transcended.
Agnieszka & Ruth work collaboratively as artists. Recent research around themes of affect, emotion & subjectivity in cultural and spatial contexts resulted in the exhibition 'spill'. Our research is drawn from historical studies of perception; contemporary fields of cultural geography & cultural studies; & individual expertise in painting, photography, textiles & sculpture.
Ahmed S (2004) The Cultural Politics of Emotion, Routledge, New York
Ahmed S (2004) 'Affective economies', Social Text 22(2): 117-139
Anderson K, & Smith S J (2001) ‘Emotional geographies’, Trans. Institute of British Geographers 26(1):7-10
Best S (2002) ‘What is Affect? Considering the affective dimension of contemporary installation’, Australian and New Zealand Journal of Art 3(1):207-225
Crary J (2000) Suspensions of Perception: attention, spectacle and modern culture, MIT Press
Davidson J & Milligan C (2004) ‘Embodying emotion sensing space: introducing emotional geographies’, Social & Cultural Geography 5(4):523-532
Lutz T (1999) Crying: the natural and cultural history of tears, Norton, New York
Massumi B (2002) Parables for the Virtual: movement, affect, sensation, Duke UP, Durham NC
Papastergiadis N (2006) Spatial Aesthetics: art, place and the everyday, Rivers Oram Press
Thrift N (2005) ‘But malice aforethought: cities and the natural history of hatred', Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 30 (2):133-150
Thrift N (2004) ‘Intensities of feeling: towards a spatial politics of affect’, Geografiska Annaler 86 B (1):57-78
Tolia-Kelly, Divya P (2006) ‘Affect – an ethnocentric encounter? Exploring the 'universalist' imperative of emotional/affectual geographies’, Area 38(2):213-217
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